Saturday, June 11, 2016

Elijah Craig Barrel Proof Manhattan Cocktail

My cocktail of choice is the Manhattan.  It's made up of two parts whiskey, one part sweet vermouth, two dashes of bitters and a couple of cherries.  It's the perfect combination of sweet and dry, herbal and complex.  It's just a classy cocktail.

Not all whiskey works well in a Manhattan.  There are various factors that affect how well it will blend.  These include proof, sweetness/dryness among other flavor components.  I love barrel proof whiskey and especially like using a barrel proof bourbon in a Manhattan.  The higher proof is a great compliment to the sweetness of the vermouth and cherries and mixes well with the herbal complexity of the vermouth and bitters.

Here is a Manhattan made with Elijah Craig Barrel Proof Bourbon (135.6 proof), Carpano Antica Sweet Vermouth, Fee Brothers Barrel Aged Bitters and Luxardo Cherries.   Fee brothers creates a batch of bitters released every year that they age in barrel until it reaches the optimal flavor profile.  If you can find some, it usually makes a nice addition to any cocktail.  My standard bitters is Peychaud's which adds a sweeter, more cherry note to your drink.

This is the perfect mix of sweet, herbal and bitter in one cocktail.  The higher proof Bourbon really has a chance to shine and isn't lost like many lower (read 80 proof) bourbons.  There is bright cherry flavor, a nice bitter component, lots of sweetness from the vermouth, whiskey and cherries, and a dry, wood/oak character.  I think Elijah Craig's tendency toward woodiness really plays well in this cocktail.

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