Sunday, July 3, 2016

Pikesville Straight Rye Whiskey

I've always enjoyed using Rittenhouse Rye whiskey from Heaven Hill in cocktails.  So when I saw that they were resurrecting the Pikesville Rye Whiskey brand I was excited to try it.

Rittenhouse is a 100 proof, four-year aged bottled in bond rye whiskey.  Heaven Hill decided to take this already enjoyable rye, age it another two year and up the proof to 110.  The result is incredible, the successful resurrection of an 1890's northeastern US brand of rye whiskey.  Pikesville sells for about double Rittenhouse.

It falls under what a lot of people refer to as "barely legal rye" with a mash bill of 51% Rye, 39% Corn and 10% Malted Barley.  This shows on the palate with a much heavier, more rounded flavor.

A dark brown amber color.

Medium nose of brown sugar, sweetness, spicy character and a bit of alcohol.

The palate was richer than expected (probably due to the high proportion of corn), but still dry with prevailing flavors of spice, grain and dust, with moderate wood and caramel. Not a ton of fruity or floral characteristics.

The heat leaves quickly and you are left with a long finish of caramel, toffee and a light coffee bitterness.

This is a great rye whiskey to have around to sip neat or even mix into a cocktail.  The Rittenhouse seemed like more of an over ice or mixer whiskey.  The mash bill gives it a more rounded palate and while there are spicy notes, they are not as prevalent as you would find in a high rye or 95% rye whiskey.  It should run between $40-50 depending on where you live.

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